Oxycontin Effects

OxyContin is a central nervous system depressant that relieves pain and induces sleep. It produces a dreamlike state of warmth and well-being. It may also cause constricted pupils, nausea, and respiratory depression, which in its extremes can result in death.

OxyContin activates brain regions that produce euphoric sensations as well as physical dependence. OxyContin is notorious for the ability to produce both psychological and physical addiction. Its addictiveness is characterized by persistent craving for the drug, tolerance (the need for larger and larger doses to get the same results), and painful and dangerous withdrawal.

Once OxyContin enters the body; it works by stimulating certain opioid receptors that are located throughout the central nervous system, in the brain and along the spinal cord. When OxyContin binds to the opioid receptor a variety of physiologic responses can occur ranging from pain relief, slowed breathing, to euphoria. Since OxyContin is similar to heroin its effects are comparable.
  • Drug Facts
  • In April 2002, the US Drug Enforcement Agency reported that OxyContin has been implicated as the direct cause of main contributing factor in 146 deaths and a likely contributor in an additional 318 deaths. Based on their findings, only nine of the reporte
  • OxyContin is the brand name for the time-release tablet form of oxycondon, an opium derivative similar to codeine but more powerful and more likely to be addictive.
  • OxyContin, introduced in December 1995, is a time-released form of the opium derivative oxycodone.
  • OxyContin is available in tablet form in 4 doses: 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg. The 80 mg dose is reserved for those patients who are tolerant to opiates. OxyContin sells on the illegal drug market for up to $100 a pill.
  • One survey at the University of Wisconsin found one in five students have tried illicit prescription drugs.